- Presentación
Institución Docente Malagueña León XIII es una institución educativa dependiente de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía que ofrece una amplia gama de estudios: desde Infantil y Primaria a Bachillerato a través del Colegio León XIII, además de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior y Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en Diseño (Diseño Gráfico y Diseño de Interiores), que depende de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía.
En nuestro centro dentro de las enseñanzas superiores contamos con dos modalidades de participación en los programas Erasmus+ dependiendo del nivel educativo:
- Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior, solo para la realización de prácticas en empresas de la Comunidad Europea.
- Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en Diseño (Diseño Gráfico y Diseño de Interiores), movilidad para formación de alumnado y profesorado y para la realización de prácticas en empresas de la Comunidad Europea.
La motivación de profesores y alumnos de los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior y las Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en Diseño hacia un horizonte europeo, nos lleva a solicitar la Carta ECHE para dar acogida a la demanda e interés cada vez más creciente de este grupo de alumnos y profesores hacia la internacionalización de la enseñanza y de esta forma poder ofrecer bajo el prisma de la igualdad las mismas oportunidades a todos nuestros alumnos, llegando a alcanzar la misma dimensión europea con la que cuentan nuestras enseñanzas de Primaria y Bachillerato, y porque consideramos que somos motores de creación de ciudadanos europeos.
A través de las movilidades realizadas por el colegio León XIII, hemos constatado un cambio en las mentalidades de los alumnos y profesores que han realizado o participado en un Proyecto Erasmus+. Por ello, queremos conceder las mismas posibilidades a todos nuestros alumnos para que, en igualdad de condiciones, puedan beneficiarse de este tipo de experiencia que estamos seguros que les generará un mayor nivel competencial y una mayor formación, muy difícil de adquirir dentro de un aula.
Por tanto, nuestro propósito es ofrecer a nuestro alumnado y profesorado de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior y Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en Diseño una oferta amplia de movilidad en áreas clave como prácticas en empresas, movilidad de estudiantes, desarrollo curricular y desarrollo de alianzas estratégicas.
Con la participación en el Programa Erasmus+ queremos proporcionar a los alumnos una formación de calidad que les permita apreciar la importancia del conocimiento en sus distintas áreas, desarrollar su capacidad creativa y profesional, tomando conciencia de las posibilidades de realización profesional que todo ello implica. Queremos garantizar a nuestro alumnos la adquisición de las capacidades y conocimientos necesarios para resolver cuantos problemas se presenten en el desarrollo de su actividad posterior a través de una política de internacionalización y mediante el establecimiento de relaciones académicas, científicas o culturales, con instituciones europeas mediante su participación directa en el programa Erasmus+.

Si estás interesado/a en algún asunto relacionado con el plan Erasmus, por favor ponte en contacto con nosotros a través de esta dirección de correo: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..
Carmen Albendín Morales coordinadora del programa Erasmus+.
Email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Teléfono: 952.20.71.22
Carmen Albendín
Coordinadora del programa Erasmus+
Institución Docente Malagueña León XIII ha obtenido la Carta Erasmus+ 2021-2027 (ECHE. Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) con el compromiso de fomentar la internacionalización de los integrantes de la comunidad educativa, para garantizarles la adquisición de las capacidades y conocimientos educativos y formativos necesarios, a través de una política de internacionalización, y mediante el establecimiento de relaciones académicas, científicas, políticas, sociales o culturales, con instituciones europeas mediante su participación directa en el programa Erasmus+.
Consideramos que es fundamental para nuestra comunidad educativa poder realizar estancias formativas o prácticas en empresas fuera de nuestras fronteras. Del mismo modo también lo es para el profesorado, que visitando otras escuelas o impartiendo docencia, pueden atravesar fronteras mentales y físicas para traer ese conocimiento e intercambio a nuestra comunidad educativa.
Toda la información relativa al programa ERASMUS+ se puede consultar en la página web del SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación).

The ECHE Charter represents the definitive incorporation in the internationalisation of our center through participation in European cooperation and innovation programs.
By participating in the Erasmus+ Programme, we want to provide students with quality training that allows them to appreciate the importance of knowledge in different areas, develop their creative and professional skills, and become aware of the possibilities of professional fulfilment that all this implies.
We want to guarantee our students the acquisition of the necessary skills and knowledge to solve any problems that may arise in the development of their subsequent activity through a policy of internationalisation and by establishing academic, scientific, political, social or cultural relations with European institutions through their direct participation in the Erasmus+ programme.
The main objective of Institución Docente Malagueña León XIII in participating in the Erasmus+ programme is to offer all our students an open mind in the labour field as citizens of Europe and as respectful of equality, inclusion and environment people in the first place, that is, a stimulus for their training, as well as the possibility of offering them new work horizons, and to our lecturers a place for improvement and acquisition of new knowledge and skills.
We expect that with the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme, between 25% and 40% of students and faculty will undertake internships and participate in a European mobility programme.
Our Institution has established as the basis of its Erasmus+ Policy Statement the following objectives with respect to the student body:
1.To promote student mobility with European institutions that allows students to complete their academic and practical training, as well as to broaden their knowledge and experience in order to enter a common and open labour market, as a result of inter-institutional cooperation.2.To provide a stimulating mix of students from all backgrounds and countries.
3.To increase the number of opportunities to study abroad.
4.To improve the quality of higher education through inter-institutional cooperation programmes, aspiring to form competent, responsible, balanced, open, respectful and caring individuals with their own initiative and criteria, people capable of responding to the questions and challenges that life poses, while at the same time committing themselves to their immediate environment as well as to the rest of society. In short, students whose knowledge and skills are those required in national and international labour markets.
5.To allow students of Higher Artistic Education in Design to benefit educationally, linguistically and culturally from the experience of learning in other countries.
6.To learn the importance given in each environment to expressive and artistic media.
7.To improve the level of skills and competencies acquired by our students, both in their education and in their aptitudes and civic qualities, always seeking social and civic cohesion, through the use of instruments that allow the evaluation of these competencies.
8.To improve the knowledge of languages, key to understanding among citizens and thus foster European diversity and intercultural awareness, increasing common relationships based on tolerance and respect.
Objectives with respect to the practical training of students:
1.To contribute with internships in companies to help people adapt to the demands of the labour market at the community level.2. To help modernize the professional profile of future artists and designers from our environment and from other countries.
3.Contribute to the creation of a community of young and future well-qualified professionals, with open minds and international experience.
4.To help modernize the professional profile of future artists and designers from our environment and from other countries.
The objectives related to personnel are:
1.To foster the exchange of teaching proposals and experiences based on the Competency System with other institutions involved through staff mobility, seeking to learn about different educational systems in order to enrich our own.2.To improve our intercultural and linguistic skills.
3.To know and learn new methodologies and techniques from companies around the world in order to adapt them to our field of work.
4.To enrich the rest of the staff with the experiences and new learning acquired during the mobility.
5.To promote our participation in cooperation and internationalization projects within the EU framework, improving the tools for the dissemination of good practices, transparency and recognition, which the center already has, but which require constant review and adaptation.
6.To allow students who cannot participate in a mobility programme to benefit from the knowledge and experience of the academic staff of higher education institutions in other countries.
To achieve these objectives, the Institution will assume the role of organizer in those projects launched from this Institution, or collaborator, in projects organized by other partners to which it joins, assuming the following tasks as institutional strategy or lines of action that will help us to take the right steps to ensure that our internationalization project continues:
1.Institución Docente Malagueña León XIII, will seek agreements with other institutions holding the ECHE, trying to select them according to criteria such as the suitability of their professional activity, work methodology or location, favoring agreements and agreements with art schools, institutions and companies in those countries with which it collaborates.2.We will try to offer more than one possibility per study profile in order to adapt to each student in the best possible way.
3. We will encourage students and staff to participate in KA1 and KA2 actions.
4.We will evaluate the applicant's profile in order to offer and recommend the most suitable destination.
5.We will create a database with the basic information of the result of the search of educational institutions on the internet and specialized platforms such as eTwinning. This database will include the activities offered, the type of business, contact details, location to help us in our search task. The Erasmus+ coordinator will establish a first contact with each of the potential partners to present our project and once they show their interest in collaborating with us, we will offer them all the information to generate the agreements.
6.Various activities will be carried out to publicize our offer of Erasmus+ places, such as presentations, lectures, conferences and publications whose thematic core will be the results achieved in the internationalization programmes with evident results in the primary and secondary mobility programmes carried out. We will disseminate our participation through the website to inform and encourage participation in transnational cooperation projects.
7.We will offer and facilitate to the participants the resources offered by the Erasmus+ programme for the reinforcement of the language of the destination country, through the online linguistic support online linguistic support (OLS) so that the communication is fluent at the time of the exchange or implementation of the project.
8.We will facilitate the issuance of the Student Identity Card.
9.We will implement strategies that promote equality between men and women, intercultural communication, promotion of labour insertion, avoiding discriminatory attitudes in all areas.
10.Support and advice to the students we receive through our Erasmus+ department and the tutor assigned to each student.
11.Create and develop cooperation programmes with foreign partners, in the areas of teaching and work projects.
12.Manage mobility programmes for lecturers and students, facilitating and providing both the resources for the development of the project and the administrative support necessary for its correct completion.
13. We will publish on the Colabora Educación website https://colaboraeducacion30.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/colabora/, a place of mutual collaboration at the educational level between schools.
14.Comply with the Erasmus+ policy.
Regarding the impact resulting from the participation of our Institution in the Eramus+ programme, we are convinced that participation will bring great benefits for our students and staff, as it will improve their social skills, improve their attitudes, their teaching skills and their language skills. We will learn the latest educational techniques and methods that are already working in other countries, which will result in an improvement for our institution and our community. Our educational system will thus be better adapted to the demands of the international market. The reception of students of another nationality or lecturers from another country for a short period of training will provide the School with a different vision and assessment than usual. These new points of view and new approaches, together with somewhat different ways of doing things, can bring freshness to our daily work, thus increasing the quality of our School.
The internationalization of the Institution and the awareness of the need to speak another language for educational, cultural and work purposes will have a positive impact for the entire educational community as it will also facilitate the learning of a second language and a greater use of cultural exchange visits.
As an educational center we are in a permanent process of analysis and self-evaluation at all levels, both educational and managerial. The permanent search for quality in order to provide a better service is our priority objective and we understand that the full internationalisation of our institution can only be achieved through the mobility of our students and lecturers. Therefore, once the mobility is completed, we will review all the study plans to integrate the methodology obtained after the mobility.
We intend our participation to contribute in this way to building a European Education Area, through the following objectives:
- Ensuring that higher education institutions contribute to innovation.- To make mobility a reality for all regardless of particular socio-economic status with equal opportunities as a fundamental premise.
- To improve the learning of any foreign language, since today we are convinced that Erasmus+ exchanges are very important to learn and improve the learning of any language.
-Encourage continuous learning for lecturers, who must continue to learn, educate and train themselves on a daily basis. We are certain that it is better to learn from a different p erspective in order to broaden our vision.
- To initiate a new process for the mutual recognition of higher education and school diplomas. With the opportunity provided by the Erasmus+ programmes for our students, we want to contribute to bringing together different educational systems.
- Greater cooperation in curriculum development. Have the opportunity to learn from each other, import new and better education systems.
- Integrating innovation and digital skills in education. Nowadays, digital knowledge is essential, especially when working at a distance, so it will be decisive when carrying out exchanges.
-Preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of European identity and culture. Identity is a feeling of belonging to a cultural community that gives meaning to who we are through our relationship with other human beings in that community.
Estudia con nosotros el Grado en Diseño Interiores
Estudia con nosotros el Grado en Diseño de Gráfico
Instituciones Socias Erasmus+:
Documentación para alumnos salientes :
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad de Estudiantes para Prácticas
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad de Estudiantes para Estudios 1º Semestre 2023-2024
Convocatoria Movilidades Alumnos 1º Semestre 2023-2024
Carta de aceptación de empresa
Convocatoria Movilidades Erasmus 2º Semestre 2023-2024
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad de Estudiantes para Estudios 2º Semestre 2023 2024
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad de Estudiantes para Prácticas
Documentacion para alumnos entrantes
Documentación para personal docente y no docente
Convocatoria Movilidades Personal Docente y no Docente EADE 2º Semestre
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad para el personal docente y no docente.
Institución Docente Malagueña León XIII es una institución educativa dependiente de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía que ofrece una amplia gama de estudios: desde Infantil y Primaria a Bachillerato a través del Colegio León XIII, además de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior y Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en Diseño (Diseño Gráfico y Diseño de Interiores), que depende de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía.
En nuestro centro dentro de las enseñanzas superiores contamos con dos modalidades de participación en los programas Erasmus+ dependiendo del nivel educativo:
- Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior, solo para la realización de prácticas en empresas de la Comunidad Europea.
- Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en Diseño (Diseño Gráfico y Diseño de Interiores), movilidad para formación de alumnado y profesorado y para la realización de prácticas en empresas de la Comunidad Europea.
La motivación de profesores y alumnos de los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior y las Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en Diseño hacia un horizonte europeo, nos lleva a solicitar la Carta ECHE para dar acogida a la demanda e interés cada vez más creciente de este grupo de alumnos y profesores hacia la internacionalización de la enseñanza y de esta forma poder ofrecer bajo el prisma de la igualdad las mismas oportunidades a todos nuestros alumnos, llegando a alcanzar la misma dimensión europea con la que cuentan nuestras enseñanzas de Primaria y Bachillerato, y porque consideramos que somos motores de creación de ciudadanos europeos.
A través de las movilidades realizadas por el colegio León XIII, hemos constatado un cambio en las mentalidades de los alumnos y profesores que han realizado o participado en un Proyecto Erasmus+. Por ello, queremos conceder las mismas posibilidades a todos nuestros alumnos para que, en igualdad de condiciones, puedan beneficiarse de este tipo de experiencia que estamos seguros que les generará un mayor nivel competencial y una mayor formación, muy difícil de adquirir dentro de un aula.
Por tanto, nuestro propósito es ofrecer a nuestro alumnado y profesorado de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior y Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en Diseño una oferta amplia de movilidad en áreas clave como prácticas en empresas, movilidad de estudiantes, desarrollo curricular y desarrollo de alianzas estratégicas.
Con la participación en el Programa Erasmus+ queremos proporcionar a los alumnos una formación de calidad que les permita apreciar la importancia del conocimiento en sus distintas áreas, desarrollar su capacidad creativa y profesional, tomando conciencia de las posibilidades de realización profesional que todo ello implica. Queremos garantizar a nuestro alumnos la adquisición de las capacidades y conocimientos necesarios para resolver cuantos problemas se presenten en el desarrollo de su actividad posterior a través de una política de internacionalización y mediante el establecimiento de relaciones académicas, científicas o culturales, con instituciones europeas mediante su participación directa en el programa Erasmus+.
Este proyecto está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de (esta nota de prensa/comunicado/publicación/etc.) es responsabilidad exclusiva del (nombre del centro educativo u organización de educación y formación) y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.
Si estás interesado/a en algún asunto relacionado con el plan Erasmus, por favor ponte en contacto con nosotros a través de esta dirección de correo: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..
Carmen Albendín Morales coordinadora del programa Erasmus+.
Email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Teléfono: 952.20.71.22
Carmen Albendín
Coordinadora del programa Erasmus+ -
Institución Docente Malagueña León XIII ha obtenido la Carta Erasmus+ 2021-2027 (ECHE. Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) con el compromiso de fomentar la internacionalización de los integrantes de la comunidad educativa, para garantizarles la adquisición de las capacidades y conocimientos educativos y formativos necesarios, a través de una política de internacionalización, y mediante el establecimiento de relaciones académicas, científicas, políticas, sociales o culturales, con instituciones europeas mediante su participación directa en el programa Erasmus+.
Consideramos que es fundamental para nuestra comunidad educativa poder realizar estancias formativas o prácticas en empresas fuera de nuestras fronteras. Del mismo modo también lo es para el profesorado, que visitando otras escuelas o impartiendo docencia, pueden atravesar fronteras mentales y físicas para traer ese conocimiento e intercambio a nuestra comunidad educativa.
Toda la información relativa al programa ERASMUS+ se puede consultar en la página web del SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación).
The ECHE Charter represents the definitive incorporation in the internationalisation of our center through participation in European cooperation and innovation programs.
By participating in the Erasmus+ Programme, we want to provide students with quality training that allows them to appreciate the importance of knowledge in different areas, develop their creative and professional skills, and become aware of the possibilities of professional fulfilment that all this implies.
We want to guarantee our students the acquisition of the necessary skills and knowledge to solve any problems that may arise in the development of their subsequent activity through a policy of internationalisation and by establishing academic, scientific, political, social or cultural relations with European institutions through their direct participation in the Erasmus+ programme.
The main objective of Institución Docente Malagueña León XIII in participating in the Erasmus+ programme is to offer all our students an open mind in the labour field as citizens of Europe and as respectful of equality, inclusion and environment people in the first place, that is, a stimulus for their training, as well as the possibility of offering them new work horizons, and to our lecturers a place for improvement and acquisition of new knowledge and skills.
We expect that with the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme, between 25% and 40% of students and faculty will undertake internships and participate in a European mobility programme.
Our Institution has established as the basis of its Erasmus+ Policy Statement the following objectives with respect to the student body:
1.To promote student mobility with European institutions that allows students to complete their academic and practical training, as well as to broaden their knowledge and experience in order to enter a common and open labour market, as a result of inter-institutional cooperation.
2.To provide a stimulating mix of students from all backgrounds and countries.
3.To increase the number of opportunities to study abroad.
4.To improve the quality of higher education through inter-institutional cooperation programmes, aspiring to form competent, responsible, balanced, open, respectful and caring individuals with their own initiative and criteria, people capable of responding to the questions and challenges that life poses, while at the same time committing themselves to their immediate environment as well as to the rest of society. In short, students whose knowledge and skills are those required in national and international labour markets.
5.To allow students of Higher Artistic Education in Design to benefit educationally, linguistically and culturally from the experience of learning in other countries.
6.To learn the importance given in each environment to expressive and artistic media.
7.To improve the level of skills and competencies acquired by our students, both in their education and in their aptitudes and civic qualities, always seeking social and civic cohesion, through the use of instruments that allow the evaluation of these competencies.
8.To improve the knowledge of languages, key to understanding among citizens and thus foster European diversity and intercultural awareness, increasing common relationships based on tolerance and respect.
Objectives with respect to the practical training of students:
1.To contribute with internships in companies to help people adapt to the demands of the labour market at the community level.
2. To help modernize the professional profile of future artists and designers from our environment and from other countries.
3.Contribute to the creation of a community of young and future well-qualified professionals, with open minds and international experience.
4.To help modernize the professional profile of future artists and designers from our environment and from other countries.
The objectives related to personnel are:
1.To foster the exchange of teaching proposals and experiences based on the Competency System with other institutions involved through staff mobility, seeking to learn about different educational systems in order to enrich our own.
2.To improve our intercultural and linguistic skills.
3.To know and learn new methodologies and techniques from companies around the world in order to adapt them to our field of work.
4.To enrich the rest of the staff with the experiences and new learning acquired during the mobility.
5.To promote our participation in cooperation and internationalization projects within the EU framework, improving the tools for the dissemination of good practices, transparency and recognition, which the center already has, but which require constant review and adaptation.
6.To allow students who cannot participate in a mobility programme to benefit from the knowledge and experience of the academic staff of higher education institutions in other countries.
To achieve these objectives, the Institution will assume the role of organizer in those projects launched from this Institution, or collaborator, in projects organized by other partners to which it joins, assuming the following tasks as institutional strategy or lines of action that will help us to take the right steps to ensure that our internationalization project continues:
1.Institución Docente Malagueña León XIII, will seek agreements with other institutions holding the ECHE, trying to select them according to criteria such as the suitability of their professional activity, work methodology or location, favoring agreements and agreements with art schools, institutions and companies in those countries with which it collaborates.
2.We will try to offer more than one possibility per study profile in order to adapt to each student in the best possible way.
3. We will encourage students and staff to participate in KA1 and KA2 actions.
4.We will evaluate the applicant's profile in order to offer and recommend the most suitable destination.
5.We will create a database with the basic information of the result of the search of educational institutions on the internet and specialized platforms such as eTwinning. This database will include the activities offered, the type of business, contact details, location to help us in our search task. The Erasmus+ coordinator will establish a first contact with each of the potential partners to present our project and once they show their interest in collaborating with us, we will offer them all the information to generate the agreements.
6.Various activities will be carried out to publicize our offer of Erasmus+ places, such as presentations, lectures, conferences and publications whose thematic core will be the results achieved in the internationalization programmes with evident results in the primary and secondary mobility programmes carried out. We will disseminate our participation through the website to inform and encourage participation in transnational cooperation projects.
7.We will offer and facilitate to the participants the resources offered by the Erasmus+ programme for the reinforcement of the language of the destination country, through the online linguistic support online linguistic support (OLS) so that the communication is fluent at the time of the exchange or implementation of the project.
8.We will facilitate the issuance of the Student Identity Card.
9.We will implement strategies that promote equality between men and women, intercultural communication, promotion of labour insertion, avoiding discriminatory attitudes in all areas.
10.Support and advice to the students we receive through our Erasmus+ department and the tutor assigned to each student.
11.Create and develop cooperation programmes with foreign partners, in the areas of teaching and work projects.
12.Manage mobility programmes for lecturers and students, facilitating and providing both the resources for the development of the project and the administrative support necessary for its correct completion.
13. We will publish on the Colabora Educación website https://colaboraeducacion30.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/colabora/, a place of mutual collaboration at the educational level between schools.
14.Comply with the Erasmus+ policy.
Regarding the impact resulting from the participation of our Institution in the Eramus+ programme, we are convinced that participation will bring great benefits for our students and staff, as it will improve their social skills, improve their attitudes, their teaching skills and their language skills. We will learn the latest educational techniques and methods that are already working in other countries, which will result in an improvement for our institution and our community. Our educational system will thus be better adapted to the demands of the international market. The reception of students of another nationality or lecturers from another country for a short period of training will provide the School with a different vision and assessment than usual. These new points of view and new approaches, together with somewhat different ways of doing things, can bring freshness to our daily work, thus increasing the quality of our School.
The internationalization of the Institution and the awareness of the need to speak another language for educational, cultural and work purposes will have a positive impact for the entire educational community as it will also facilitate the learning of a second language and a greater use of cultural exchange visits.
As an educational center we are in a permanent process of analysis and self-evaluation at all levels, both educational and managerial. The permanent search for quality in order to provide a better service is our priority objective and we understand that the full internationalisation of our institution can only be achieved through the mobility of our students and lecturers. Therefore, once the mobility is completed, we will review all the study plans to integrate the methodology obtained after the mobility.
We intend our participation to contribute in this way to building a European Education Area, through the following objectives:
- Ensuring that higher education institutions contribute to innovation.
- To make mobility a reality for all regardless of particular socio-economic status with equal opportunities as a fundamental premise.
- To improve the learning of any foreign language, since today we are convinced that Erasmus+ exchanges are very important to learn and improve the learning of any language.
-Encourage continuous learning for lecturers, who must continue to learn, educate and train themselves on a daily basis. We are certain that it is better to learn from a different p erspective in order to broaden our vision.
- To initiate a new process for the mutual recognition of higher education and school diplomas. With the opportunity provided by the Erasmus+ programmes for our students, we want to contribute to bringing together different educational systems.
- Greater cooperation in curriculum development. Have the opportunity to learn from each other, import new and better education systems.
- Integrating innovation and digital skills in education. Nowadays, digital knowledge is essential, especially when working at a distance, so it will be decisive when carrying out exchanges.
-Preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of European identity and culture. Identity is a feeling of belonging to a cultural community that gives meaning to who we are through our relationship with other human beings in that community.
Estudia con nosotros el Grado en Diseño Interiores
Estudia con nosotros el Grado en Diseño de Gráfico
Instituciones Socias Erasmus+:
Documentación para alumnos salientes :
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad de Estudiantes para Prácticas
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad de Estudiantes para Estudios 1º Semestre 2023-2024
Convocatoria Movilidades Alumnos 1º Semestre 2023-2024
Carta de aceptación de empresa
Convocatoria Movilidades Erasmus 2º Semestre 2023-2024
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad de Estudiantes para Estudios 2º Semestre 2023 2024
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad de Estudiantes para Prácticas
Documentacion para alumnos entrantes
Documentación para personal docente y no docente
Convocatoria Movilidades Personal Docente y no Docente EADE 2º Semestre
Formulario de Inscripción - Movilidad para el personal docente y no docente.